The Chemical Division's Research, Production and Supply System

Global Research and Production System Meeting Users' Needs

The Kao Group has bases handling all phases from research to production and supply in locations in Japan, Asia, Europe and North America, which work together in various ways to provide quality products in timely fashion to users around the world.


Research into product development is carried out for Kao‘s five of its fields of business: Cosmetics, Skin Care and Hair Care, Human Health Care, Fabric and Home Care and Chemical, which develop a wide range of chemical products that meet the various needs of industry.  Functions of fundamental research, such as material science, biological science, human science and production technology are concentrated and organically linked with our research labs abroad to continually develop new products and technologies.

In particular, our domestic research centers in Wakayama, Kashima, Tochigi and Toyohashi carry out various researches in collaboration with our overseas laboratories in Asia, Europe and the Americas. Our overseas labs focus on developing materials meeting the needs of customers and industries in various areas and carrying out applied research.

Fragrance research in Spain

Fragrance research in Spain

Production and Supply

The Kao Group also has production bases in various locations around the world. In Japan, our plants in Wakayama, Kashima, Tochigi and Toyohashi are fully integrated with our research facilities to develop efficient, high-quality production processes and produce many chemical products.

Overseas, our plants in the Philippines and Malaysia produce oleo chemicals which are shipped to customers and Kao Group companies around the world. Other plants, in Shanghai, Indonesia, Thailand, Germany, Spain, the United States and Mexico, produce performance chemicals destined for various industrial sectors in those regions.

This efficiently organized supply chain allows Kao to speedily supply products from its various bases around the world.

Through research, production and supply, Kao's Chemical Division will use its global network to provide products geared to customer satisfaction.

Chemical plant such as surfactants in Thailand

Chemical plant such as surfactants in Thailand