Sustainable products
Recycle plastic


Infrastructure : NEWTLAC

According to plastic needs time to decompose over than 450 years, therefore, we have researched for a year to apply plastic to use in road application effective in building and surface paving with high improvement of resistant and long-life spanning abilities. It is one component of road materials.

“NEWTLAC” is a polyester resin which has been created by used plastic as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bringing to facile & exclusive chemical reaction by Kao Industrial (Thailand) business for using in building and surface paving of bitumen road application.

*Increased durability and compressive-load ability of bitumen road just only mixed with 1% dosage of NEWTLAC.

*Increased value of bitumen road by extending life cycle of bitumenroad over 50 years.

Increased the better surface of bitumen road for Smooth & Safety driving.
Forget all pain points of road whatever potholes, wheel rutting, or oily road. Driver can utilize the road with high safety, efficiency, sustainable and agelong.

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