Global Chemicals Japan

Submicron Cu particles for sintering (Prototype)

Product Features

Submicron Cu particles for sintering with high dispersibility and low-temperature sinterability

These "submicron Cu particles of approximately 150 nm particle diameter" are manufactured by Kao's unique interface technology and have high dispersibility and low temperature sinterability. It can be applied in a wide range of products including sintering materials for power semiconductors and Cu circuit for printing electronics.

  • Submicron Cu partiicles of approximately 150 nm particle diameter
  • Dispersible in various solvents at high concentrations
  • Sinterable at low-temperature under N2 and capable of forming the dense bonding layer
  • High bonding strength of Cu bonding layer despite short-time sintering
  • Dense Cu bonding layer has high thermal durability


(Left) Cu powder (right) SEM


Kao's unique interface technology has developed Cu particles with high dispersibility and low-temperature sinterability.


High dispersibility and good printability

Kao's unique interfacial technology has developed Cu particles with good printability due to dispersibility in various solvents at high concentrations.



Conditions: Submicron Cu particles / each solvent = 93/ 7 (w/w)

Dispersible in a variety of solvents at high concentrations



Printing conditions: stencil printing (6 mm x 6 mm x 150 µmt)

Roughness (Ra) of printed layer: 0.12 µm

Good printability

It can be dispersed in both hydrophilic and hydrophobic solvents used commonly as sintering pastes. Since it is possible to be dispersed at high concentrations, volume shrinkage rate of wiring after sintering can be reduced.
Good printability and handling properties lead to improved productivity.


Low temperature sintering

Volume resistivity at various sintering temperatures


Sintering conditions: Printing on glass → Sintering under 1 h at N2

Low temperature sinterable under N2 and low volume resistivity.
Low resistivity Cu circuit can be formed while suppressing thermal damage to components.

Application example: Cu sinter paste for power semiconductors

We have confirmed high bonding strength and high reliability by using this product as a sinter paste for power semiconductors. Therefore, it is expected to improve the reliability of power semiconductors.

Below are the results of "Die shear strength test" and "Thermal cycle test (TCT) " of bonding samples with this product as a Cu sinter paste.


Sample preparation conditions

Die shear test



Die shear strength at sintering time


*Chip breakage

It can be sintered under mild sintering conditions and in a short sintering time, and show you high bonding strength. It allows you to make shorter process time at the bonding process.

Thermal cycle test (TCT)



Cu bonding layer before and after TCT


The Cu sinter paste which includes Kao Cu particles can form a dense Cu bonding layer under mild sintering conditions. The Cu bonding layer showed no delamination and no significant change of microstructure after a harsh temperature environment. Therefore, it contributes to improving reliability for power semiconductors.

Product Information

Cu Particles (prototype)
Particle diameter (D50) 150nm
Package style Copper powder: aluminum pack
Copper slurry: syringe

If you have a problem to solve in bonding or wiring formation, please contact us.

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